December 27, 2021
Change insurance company in the Netherlands. There is still time.
Dutch people don't like to change insurance companies, mainly because the refund policies are becoming more and more expensive. But the differences also amount to tens of euros per year between 'naturapolissen' or the cheapest policies.
According to experts with the COVID-19 pandemic much less. But in some cases, the difference between the cheapest policy (naturapolis) and the most expensive reimbursement policy (restitutiepolis) has increased to around 500 euros, according to comparison websites.
All Dutch citizens over the age of 18 are obliged to take out basic insurance (basisverzekering). This will reimburse you for all medical care included in the basic package (basispakket).
Generally speaking, there are two types of policies for this: the 'naturapolis', where you can only go to certain care providers, and the 'restitutiepolis' or reimbursement policy where you can choose which care provider you will go to. The latter option is usually much more expensive.
You can also take out additional insurance (aanvullende verzekering). For example, you can be reimbursed for a visit to the dentist or physiotherapy treatment. Such additional insurance is not compulsory.
The health insurance premium (zorgpremie) is the amount you pay to the health insurer to be insured. The content of the basic health insurance is generally the same for all insurers. The amount of the premium for a basic insurance, however, can vary considerably.
The Dutch cabinet expects the average monthly premium in 2021 to be 122.75 euros. That is an increase of 59 euros per year compared to 2020. But there is a difference between the premiums of the insurers.
In 2020 the mandatory co-payment was 385 euros. This will still be the case in 2021, but with the same exceptions such as general practitioner care (huisarts), obstetric care (verloskundige), maternity care (kraamzorg) and district nursing (wijkverpleging).
The co-payment (eigen risico) is the amount you pay for basic insurance health care costs before the insurer reimburses you. Children and, for example, a consultation with a doctor are excluded.
Anyone over the age of 18 with a low income can receive financial compensation for health insurance costs. You can apply to the tax authorities. The expense allowance (zorgtoeslag) is a contribution to the costs of health insurance, as Consumenten Bond explains on its website.
The amount of the allowance depends on income. The maximum 'zorgtoeslag' allowance for individual households will increase by 44 euros in 2021. The maximum expense allowance for multi-person households will increase by 99 euros.
Basic insurance (basisverzekering) covers standard care (standaardzorg) from, for example, a general practitioner (huisarts), a hospital (ziekenhuis) or a pharmacy (apotheek). A co-payment (eigen risico) applies to most of the medical care in the basic package.
This basic insurance is compulsory if you live or work in the Netherlands. Also for children. The basic package (basispakket) is the same for everyone living in the Netherlands. Everyone must be accepted by a health insurer for the basic package.
In addition, the premium for a policy is the same for everyone. Therefore, everyone with the same policy pays the same, regardless of their age or health. Health insurers have a duty of care. They must make sure that everyone gets the care they need on time and within a reasonable distance.
Voluntary supplementary insurance in the Netherlands
Supplementary insurance (aanvullende verzekering) covers (part of) care that is not included in the basic package (basispakket). For example, additional reimbursement for treatment at the dentist.
There are several packages, all of which are an addition to the basic insurance.
The health insurer determines the conditions and reimbursements. Therefore, the government, in contrast to the basic compulsory insurance, has no influence on the supplementary insurance.
Supplementary insurance is not compulsory. Because there are many different packages, it is important that you tailor the supplementary insurance to your needs. A health insurer can refuse you additional insurance. For example, older people who need a lot of care. In practice, this hardly ever happens.
Basic health package in the Netherlands
The Dutch government determines which medical care is included in the basic package (basispakket). The basic package covers the costs of care from, for example, a general practitioner, a hospital, a psychiatrist or a pharmacy.
The year is almost over so you may be able to make the change in the best interest of you and your children.
Check out also this link to have more information
I hope the information is of help to you
With Love,