Be the difference!

"History, despite its heartbreaking pain, we cannot erase it; but if we face it with courage, we need not revive it. These were the words of writer and civil rights activist in the United States Maya Angelou. This has been one of the phrases that has been going around in my head for the past few days, you might ask why? simple answer COVID-19, but beyond this term, I have asked myself what to do to be the difference in these times.

Like many of you I am working from home these days and under the focus of making a difference I have given myself the task of finding out a little bit about the characters that in the past, marked a milestone with their actions, in two of the times of the Black Death and how they made a difference.


In the time of the Black Death between 1346 and 1353 Martin Luther left a legacy in his books "The Works of Luther" Volume. 43 on page 132. and which I will quote below: "I will ask God mercifully to protect us. Then I will fumigate, help purify the air, administer the medicine and take it. I will avoid places and people where my presence is not necessary so as not to contaminate myself and thereby inflict and pollute others and cause their death as a result of my negligence. If God wanted to take me, He would surely find me and I have done what He expected of me, so I am not responsible for my own death or the death of others. However, if my neighbor needs me, I will not avoid the place or person, I will go freely as stated above. See, this is such a God-fearing faith because it is not shameless or reckless and does not tempt God.

Photo by Erik Kroon on Unsplash


In this first paragraph, I would like to highlight the fact that he was aware of the situation and determined to follow the recommendations in order not to affect the others. This is what is currently happening according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization and that each country has taken into account, it is necessary to be prudent and think about the other, staying at home is a way of being in solidarity and this is how we can make a difference. The second part of the paragraph that I am emphasizing leads us to highlight the work that is being done on a daily basis by those who work in hospitals, supermarkets, bus drivers, taxis, ambulances, all those who continue to provide a service and are 100% exposed and providing a service to those who require it at this time. They are also making a difference.


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash


In the early 1900s, a third Black Death pandemic broke out. John Graham Lake, a Canadian missionary, traveled to South Africa to work and support in this country. At this time no one wanted to go near the sick, not even the doctors so as not to be infected. There was no one in the whole town to bury the dead; John, together with another Dutch missionary, took on the task of directly supporting the sick and burying the dead.  This action managed to cause a great stir in the whole community. They managed to make a difference, they were moved by love and compassion to do this.


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash


Today 2020, a group of citizens on their own initiative are supporting the most vulnerable population, doing the basic shopping, supporting them in activities that need #coronahulp, Their impact has been so strong that it has led to the emergence of new initiatives full of love and kindness to others. Each of these initiatives and those who are part of them are making a difference.I still believe that this world is full of love, that this world has people who want to mark history with their actions towards others. We have heard for years so much news about the current indifference of human beings. But in my opinion, we are the opposite of this, we are passionate human beings with the desire to fight and contribute to impacting others ... full of compassion, and with a great Heart.


Photo by Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash


I believe that one action that has a strong impact, is staying home, with this you are also making a difference. You are preventing the spread of the virus, you are helping others not to be affected, you are making our grandparents more vulnerable population have the chance to be unaffected, that is, thinking of everyone your decision will have a great impact and you are making a difference. If you have decided to support the different initiatives, or you have one in mind  Great! with this you are also being the difference, another action that seems simple is to fill your family with love, enjoy them at this time, this also counts as making a difference.


Photo by Matt Collamer on Unsplash


This moment reminds me of the three musketeers and their phrase "All for one and one for all". If we can use this power and passion for the good of all, being compassionate, we will be able to change everything and come out of this moment together.  Margaret Mead, a human rights activist and advocate, said: "Never doubt that a small group of committed, thinking citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.


I am grateful to be a part of this moment because it is the moment where each one can bring out the shine of their soul, a shine as bright as that of the most precious crystals, those crystals that exist within each one to bring and radiate love to others. We are in a moment to make a difference and change our destiny and the future of our generations with our actions. I know that the time has come, the time has come when we can work together, to end with negative comments that made us stay on the sidelines and passive to be part of the change ... So we have to stand together and be the difference... So, be the difference!



1 comment

Another good read from your blog!

Vicky Beaney June 14, 2020

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