Ser una madre con estilo

Ser una madre con estilo

Muchas mujeres, después de tener hijos, sienten que este tema no es tan importante. Ahora su prioridad y todo su tiempo está ocupado por las tareas...

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Being a stylish mom!

Being a stylish mom!

Many women after having children feel that this issue is not so important. Now their priority and all their time is taken up by household chores, c...

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¡¡CARTA A MAMÁ!!Aprovechando que el Día de la Madre se celebra en diferentes partes del mundo, he decidido escribirles una carta. Quiero recordart...

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Letter to Mom!!

Letter to Mom!!

Taking advantage of the fact that Mother's Day is celebrated in different parts of the world, I decided to write a letter to mothers. I want to rem...

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